Learning Starts at Birth with a parent or caregiver as they are the most valuable teacher in the first five years of life. 85-90% of brain growth occurs during the first 2,000 days. Elgin Partnership for Early Learning (EPEL) engages the whole community in preparing children for success in school and in life. EPEL works to increase access to high-quality early learning programs and increase the percentage of children meeting kindergarten readiness benchmarks.
The DID YOU KNOW? Educational flipbook offers tips for caregivers of children birth to 2-year-olds to support Soothing, Attachment, Sleep, Brain Development, Talking, Singing, Playing, Toys, Reading, Doing, Math, Dads, Safety, Nutrition, Self Care and resources.
Click the pictures below to access and download simple tips to start the journey of preparing your child, birth to 2-years-old, for success in school and life during this critical time of brain growth.